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For ABU Robocon 2016, Robomanipal was tasked with building two robots - a"parent" and a "child" robot. The parent robot was tasked with transferring energy via non-contact methods to the child robot. The motion of the child robot was to solely be a result of this energy transfer. 


We at Robomanipal, decided to convert focused wind energy into the rotational motion of the wheels using a wind turbine coupled with a belt reduction drive, to achieve high torque.  We used a gimble mounted EDF Fan to focus the wind onto the turbine. Omni-directional wheels were used to achieve holonomic motion on the parent bot while a servo actuated Ackerman steering mechanism was used on the child bot. 


I have involved in the Chassis design of the Parent robot as well as the development of the gimble mechanism to directmairflow onto the turbine on the child robot.  


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