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Modulus X is a concept model of a 3 axis robot designed for research labs and prototyping centers. This model is an extension of the Modulus 1 architecture and contains additional functionalities to cater to the needs of labs and prototyping centers.


The main functions of the robot are centered around machining materials ranging from plastics to stainless steel. The robot is to be controlled using standard CNC (Computer Numeric Control) and will accept standard G-Code files. 


This project was carried out in collaboration with Prof Pankaj Upadhyay and Abhishek Yevalkar from the Department of Design, IIT Guwahati. 


This project is part of the strange matter series of projects.


Feature Highlights

CNC milling-visibility2.png
CNC milling-coolent.png
CNC milling explode.png
CNC milling-08.png
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